The City & The City
China Miéville
When a murdered woman is found in the city of Beszel, somewhere at the edge of Europe, it looks to be a routine case for Inspector Tyador Borlú of the Extreme Crime Squad. But as he investigates, the...
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Comment from [Reddit user] with 11 upvotes on /r/books/
The Philosopher's Flight, by Tom Miller It was enjoyable enough to where I preordered the second one. I do like alternative history tropes and this book was good at making me believe the world changes during this time period was justifiable. I'm interested to see the rest of the world.
Sacre Bleu, by Christopher Moore This was a very enjoyable read. It was not the funniest novel by Moore that I've read but there where several times I laughed out loud. It made me want to learn more about the time period in Paris that this is set in. I do wish the ending could have been fleshed out more. Or a sequel would be great too. What absolutely needs to be mentioned is how beautiful this book is. I was lucky enough to get the hardback edition. The creative way that the dust jacket was done and the book cover are wonderful. Also, the paintings incorporated in the novel fis so well into the story. But what made this book was the indigo colour of the text. The details just blew me away.
The City & The City, by China Mieville I stumbled upon this author and his work intrigued me. That resulted in a slight spending spree over the course of a few weeks. Out of the first two novels that came in this intimidated me less than Perdito Street Station. So far it is implying enough for me to understand the unique nature of the city that has definitely got my attention.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/
The City and The City, by China Miéville
Perdido Street Station, by China Miéville
Finished the City and the City. I was listening to the audiobook from the eLibrary, also reading it on a Kindle (for only $1.99!), and also watched the BBC2 four-part miniseries.
Just started the other book, ($1.99 for Kindle!).
Just when I think all the original ideas have been done, I discover The City and the City.
As for the other book? Not sure what it is exactly, yet.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 1 upvotes on /r/books/
The City & the City, by China Miéville I'm almost finished with this. I started it months ago but found it a bit dry for my low-brow tastes and set it aside. On second attempt, though, I'm really loving it. It's a solid, page-turning SF / mystery with a unique premise that makes you think about the relationship between culture, psychology, and geography.