The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood, Valerie Martin
Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are...
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Comment from [Reddit user] with 17 upvotes on /r/books/
I finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood yesterday.
I picked this novel up and went through it pretty quickly. I was drawn in by the fragmented storytelling, how interesting it is to hear certain terms and of events and constantly think about what they mean, what happened, until finally I find out at some point or another. I can't express why I find myself so obsessed with this novel but it completely pulled me into its narrative!
Comment from [Reddit user] with 15 upvotes on /r/books/
Was able to get a lot of reading done since I was on vacation.
Finished this week:
Armada, by Ernest Cline
A steaming pile of garbage. Ready Player One, for all its flaws, worked. I enjoyed that book immensely and it was a fun popcorn book. Armada had none of that. Someone on goodreads described Cline as that guy at work who made a joke that you laughed at once, then repeats it every time you see him. Absolutely awful book but I am listening to the 372 Pages We'll Never Get Back which someone recommended and it made parts of the book more bearable.
The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly, by Sun-mi Hwang
A short novella with a nice story. I'm a sucker for cheesy stories involving animals. Read in about an hour and I recommend it if you like novellas. Trying to find more of her work in English but it isn't so easy.
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
What a slog. I've commented on it before, but I struggled to get through this because it was so dull and boring. The story starts to pick up in the last 30 pages but it wasn't worth the previous 200 or so. I also did not connect with the characters or setting at all, possibly because I didn't grow up in the 1980s when Atwood wrote the book and things were different. I'd like to see her rewrite it in today's world.
84, Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff
Another quick read about antiquarian booktrade. It was a neat little glimpse into a post-war UK and I have some of her follow-ups which should be interesting as well. Hanff has a sense of humour I enjoyed.
About A Boy, by Nick Hornby
Okay I finished this last week, but didn't get a chance to talk about it. I've now read every Hornby book and this is one of the stronger ones. I thought Marcus was a little too adult-like for me at times, but Hornby did a good job of making the children feel like children. Although I don't quite buy the premise of Will's father writing a Christmas song. Surely he could have come up with something better?
Currently reading:
The Stone Gods, by Jeanette Winterson
After reading her Gap of Time book, I wanted to check out her other stuff. It's certainly interesting. I'm about 2/3s of the way through this and it's clear where her politics lie. I do kinda enjoy the fact that the third part of the book has a character finding the text of the first part of the book. Very meta.
Self, by Yann Martel Just over halfway through this and it's a bit of a slog. It made me realise why I don't like Yann Martel. He overwrites. What one could describe in 5 words, he uses 20. I see what he is attempting to do, but he just isn't talented enough to pull it off. A good editor is what he needs who can really go in and trim off the excess fat.
A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole
Just started this one because it was on my to read list. I think I put it on the to read list because I liked the title. No idea what to expect and I am enjoying it so far. He certainly has a way with words.
Naked, by David Sedaris
What a life this man has lived. Are all his stories supposed to be completely true or are they embellished versions of the truth? I read that the SantaLand Diaries are now considered fictional and I wonder if some of these stories are as well.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 13 upvotes on /r/books/
This week I finished 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed, by Eric H. Cline, a re-read of The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, and The Ape that Understood the Universe, by Steve Stewart-Williams.
This week on the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast we read All The Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr in honor of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Next week we'll read The Godfather, by Mario Puzo in honor of Father's Day. New episodes every Tuesday.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 12 upvotes on /r/books/
Started and finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood and uhh... wow. I love dystopian settings, but to me this was the first one that seemed like it could happen so easily and so quickly.
Also just finished Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming for the /r/AskMen book club that's starting next month. I haven't actually seen the movie, but this didn't have as much action as I was expecting out of a spy story. It was definitely an interesting look inside 007's head that you probably don't get in the movies.
Finally, I've just started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling which I never read growing up. Better late than never, right? Unfortunately I've seen the movies once, so I know how everything ends, but I'm excited to go through the books.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 12 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished Farenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury Loved this book, read dandelion wine when I was younger but had never read this.
Currently reading The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood Interesting so far, I don’t really know what to think. I am definitely intrigued though.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 11 upvotes on /r/books/
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood - I enjoyed this. Haven't seen the show, probably won't, but I tend to like dystopian stuff and this did a nice job.
Big Little Lies, by Liane Moriarty - I don't tend to read murder mystery stuff usually, but this was either recommended by someone or was a goodreads recommendation, so I checked it out. Rather funny, a very quick read, and I liked the idea of part of the murder mystery being the mystery to the reader of who was murdered.
Saga Volume 3, by Brian K. Vaughn - This series is just so damned good. It's probably a good thing that each volume tends to have a bit of a wait through overdrive because I have a feeling I'd be flying through this otherwise.
The Blade Itself, by Joe Abercrombie - This has been enjoyable so far, with a good amount of humor mixed in.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 7 upvotes on /r/books/
This week I finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood and Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey, by Richard Ayoade, and now I am reading The Colour of Magic, by Terry Pratchett. All are good books in their own right, but after the general despair of The Handmaid's Tale I needed a bit of comedy; Richard Ayoade delivered just that. I was fully immersed and laughing out loud in public. I haven't read any Pratchett before so I'm happy to finally delve in, and I am really liking it.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 7 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend.
I enjoyed both books, but I wasn’t impressed with the ending of Handmaid’s. I think my expectations for The Handmaid’s Tale were too high maybe, I know I expected more closure in the end. The ending has left me thinking about the book all day, but I want another one, I want to know more from the story without watching the show, so I’m kind of bummed.
I watched two Booktubers that I follow talked about Nevermoor, so I picked that up and it was a quick read, and an entertaining one.
Today I’m going to start The Essex Serpert by Sarah Perry and I’ll probably also pick up The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
I just finished re-reading The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. I absolutely love it. The very friendly and enthusiastic lady at my local Barnes and Noble says that it's probably the scariest story to read if you're a woman, and I have to agree. It feels unbelievable and yet incredibly real. There's something about the storytelling that is so.. personal.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
Neuromancer, by William Gibson
I finished this a couple of days ago, and I think I really enjoyed it. I say think as it's stayed with me since finishing it, but I'm not entirely sure that I got all of the story. Probably going to have to reread it at some point. What I can say though, is that the cyberpunk setting was really cool.
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
I haven't finished this yet, which isn't for a lack of trying. But oh my god! It's chilling. I don't think I'm going to be able to let this one go when I've finished... Not for a long time anyway.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
The Outsider, by Stephen King
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
The Long Walk, by Stephen King
The Troop, by Nick Cutter
I have read The Long Walk probably three times before, but it's been a while, so I'm happy to be back with good old Ray Garraty. I didn't know anything about The Troop, but it was on sale on Audible, and I had recently heard of Nick Cutter, so I'm listening, but I did read a little bit about it after starting and it was spoiled a bit for me.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
I finished The Running Man, by Stephen King. It was a fun read. After finishing some big, huge fantasy titles I was in need of some smaller books and this was a great one to start with. I like the premise and the ending was satisfying. Definitely picking more up from Stephen King in the near future.
Started with The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I do have to say that I have always ran away from first person perspective books, because I honestly hate it. However I feel like Atwood makes it work just fine. About halfway through and the world is very intriguing to me and I really, really love it so far. Started reading it because I am interested in watching the series as well and prefer to read the books before watching an adaptation.
Also picked up 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 at the library. Will be starting these after I finish with The Handmaid's Tale.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished the absolutely extraordinary The Book of Night Women, by Marlon James. I'm so thrilled for his new book coming out in just a few weeks, I've heard almost nothing but praise for it.
Started The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. I feel like I've been intending to get to this since the beginning of time, but better late than never!
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood and The Godfather by Mario Puzo
The movie of the Godfather really is better than the book, but that doesn't mean it's not a good book :) as for the Handmaid's Tale, I was caught up on the TV series when I started so it was interesting to think about the direct quote placement throughout the series vs. When it occurs in the book.
Started: Brave New World by Aldolus Huxley
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
Read through The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. I'd first read it something like 10 or 15 years ago, but with the sequel finally coming around next month, gave it a re-read. I tend to fixate on Atwood's ideas and world and what not, but re-reading reminded me that in addition to some really interesting ideas, she's also a hell of a writer.
Now starting out on Girl Gone Viral, by Arvin Ahmadi. It was featured in the NYT Book Review a couple weeks ago along with some other YA dystopic scifi, so added it to my library holds. It's ... well, it's growing on me. The writing is certainly the author writing for a tween audience: almost to the point where it's like the "cool dad/mom" trying to talk like the kids talk. But it's been a while since I've done some YA reading, and having a quick and easy read is pretty appealing.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 6 upvotes on /r/books/
Just finished The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood and started I am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai. Really enjoyed The Handmaids Tale, and also really happy that I finally got around to reading it even though the "hype" for it has seemingly died down. An important read, even so, I would argue.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. Absolutely loved it. I've been getting back into fiction lately but I love fiction that will make me think about social justice themes while not being over the top or preachy.
Started A Short History of Ireland, by John Ranelagh. Recently visited Ireland, one of my friends has a hobby of picking up history books where he visits so I figured I'd give it a try. Also wanted to support the cute used bookstore we visited in Dublin.
Continuing The Evangelicals, by Frances Fitzgerald. Fascinating so far. I believe it will get more and more interesting as I progress as the book really ties religion and politics together.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/
Currently reading:
The Outsider, by Stephen King
I am about halfway through this story. I am enjoying it. It's been years, maybe decades since I've enjoyed any SK.
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
I am rereading this for my brand new book club. It's interesting to read it this second time around and I feel like I can really appreciate it this time.
Just finished:
The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Neffenegger
OMG I don't know what I was expecting with that one, but it brought tears to my eyes!
Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. It was a good book, though Atwood is a poet at heart- her prose was very intricate. As a person who does not really understand poetry, it was easy for me to lose interest. It was by no means a bad book, just not easily digestible.
While I am waiting for my library to come in, I will probably start reading The Black Tides of Heaven, by JY Yang after seeing it on the subreddit so often. It's a novella, so I should be able to knock it out quickly.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/
I started Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman on audible, Someone Like You, by Roald Dahl in paperback, and I'm still working my way slowly through The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli on kindle.
I managed to finish A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, 20th Century Ghosts, by Joe Hill, and The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood in the past week as well, I've had a lot of free time. I've also begun to use goodreads recently which makes tracking easier.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished HMS Surprise, by Patrick O’Brian
Started The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood
My wife and I are reading this at the same time, which is a first for us since our tastes in literature differ a bit. Once I’m done though, it’s back to more Captain Aubrey and Dr. Maturin adventures, which I am enjoying immensely!
Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/
Hello all!
7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton (4/5) This was not a reread, but I ended up loving it. It was a perfect mixture of mystery and supernatural- Agatha Christie meets Quantum Leap on Groundhog’s Day.
Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins (5/5) Robbins is the author that a) made me fall in love with reading b) helped me find my other favorite authors. I haven’t read him in almost a decade & I am so so happy I did. In this particular novel, there is a down on her luck stock broker (You) b/c it is written in second person, your ‘best friend’ a 300+ lb. Tarot card reader that disappears, a world famous thieving monkey which belongs to your Christian boyfriend, a radical, psychedelic loving ex-stock broker enticing you to think outside the box & take a trip to Timbuktu.
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood ~graphic novel adaptation by Renee Nault (5/5) This is a beautifully illustrated adaptation of one of my favorite dystopian novels. Such a beautifully terrifying story of perseverance and persecution.
Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore - reread yet again and damn it’s so good!
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson reread as well BUT if I haven’t read it in 12 years does it really count as a reread if you have the memory of a goldfish? I think not. 😂.
📚 Happy 📖 Reading 📚
Comment from [Reddit user] with 4 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished this month's book club choice, Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant. It was a decent book. I really liked the ending. Kinda disappointed by the lack of participation in the book club.
I started The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I've had my eye on it for a while and went into it blind. It's okay I guess. Not what I expected. Maybe it's the writing style or something but I just don't like it. It's very YA to me and I usually try to avoid those kinds of books because they tend to be kinda repetative. I'm only halfway through so maybe it will get better.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 4 upvotes on /r/books/
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
Just finished this over the weekend and loved the book and hated how I felt after I read it.
!* I love how the book starts in the middle of the draconian dystopia rather than a background on the creation of that dystopia. There's an element of shock followed by a numbness which I experienced, and when the historical reference is finally provided, it wasn't hard to imagine how things could have gone so bad<!
- Very few books have allowed me to experience the range of sorrow, defeat, resignation, and maybe hope like this one did
- The way all characters in the books, including Serena Joy, Commander, offred, and even Moira seem to have accepted their fates as finality was really depressing
!* Maybe the movies of today have numbed me to the reality of life, but I was hoping for a big bang ending where our heroine saves the day and starts something that will bring the downfall of Gilead. However, looking back, there probably was no other ending that would have fit. I hated that the Gilead we were treated to was only the first wave and to imagine what the coming generations (especially Offred's daughter) would have had to go through was disconcerting. <!
- I did like the idea that the ending gives us perspective. It shows that despite the rigidity of the times we live in, these are slivers in the great saga of human history, which goes through ebbs and flows. Despite the little uplift at the end, the book left me in tatters.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 4 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished Piecing Me Together, by Renee Watson - I don't usually read a lot of YA but I enjoyed it.
Finished Meddling Kids, by Edgar Cantero which was a fun story but the writing was effing horrible I thought and it was a massive slog to make it through even tho I wanted to know WHAT HAPPENED but I didn't want to have to read the writing anymore
Currently reading The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Attwood which I somehow didn't read before now. It's amazing. The story is great and the writing is INSANELY PERFECT, and I don't think I just think this because I just finished Meddling Kids that was so bad but maybe? The annoying thing tho is that it's a slow read, probably because I'm savoring every word. But it is really surprising me how long it's taking me to get through.
Currently listening to I Can't Make This Up, by Kevin Hart which is H I L A R I O U S. Really really enjoying it.
Next up is Bird Box for paper reading, and probably American Gods after that. Next on audiobook I might go back and try to finish 4 3 2 1 again. Just because I've got like 18 hours invested at this point.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 4 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished since last week:
Old Man's War, by John Scalzi - I won't go too much into it since too much description gets into spoiler range, but this was pretty good. Had some really funny moments in here, and sets up nicely for future books, or can stand on it's own. I'll probably read the next one at some point.
Taste Of Marrow, by Sarah Gailey - the second novella in this series, I found this one slightly less enjoyable than the first. Felt like less action and less of everything building toward something. Still a fun and fast read.
Sharp Objects, by Gillian Flynn - Pretty good if not wholly disturbing at times. There was a creepy amount of sexualization of some fairly young girls and there's some rather graphic stuff at times as well. Still a rather good book, fast and enjoyable.
Beneath The Sugar Sky, by Seanan McGuire - the third in her Wayward Children series, and like the other two it's essentially a standalone novella, but having read the other books will give a touch more context. All three of these have been absolutely fantastic, and I'm looking forward to the next one (or two it looks like).
Upon the Dull Earth and Other Stories, by Philip K. Dick - did this as an audio book during yard work and some travel time. The short stories here ranged from fairly impressive and having held up well over the 60+ years since they were written, to a couple that felt entirely out of touch with the times (because they were, and there's some stuff we don't say anymore).
Currently reading:
A Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood - Found out that kindle and prime have some free reads, and this is currently one of them (though I'm certain it's probably available through overdrive). It's pretty good so far and I'm enjoying it.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/
Finished Meddling Kids, by Edgar Cantero There's some strange style choices that were a little off putting. Overall it was silly and fun. The last act is really cheesy/campy, but sometimes you just want some good old fast food style reading.
Finished Black Science Premiere Vol. 1, by Rick Remender Typical Remender, but Matteo Scalera is doing some gorgeous work on the book.
Finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood I loved this.
Finished On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder Very accessible.
Started The Age of Edison: Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America, by Ernest Freeberg
Started The Angel of Darkness, by Caleb Carr
Started The Giver, by Lois Lowry
Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/
Academ's Fury, by Jim Butcher
I just finished the first book in the Codex Alera last week, and it was okay, not bad but not great either. I figured I'd put the time and effort in to read the first one, so I might as well read the second. Which I am glad that I did. The pacing and action is so much better and the stakes seem higher in the second book in this series. I'm glad I decided to continue.
When I finish Academ's Fury, I plan on finishing The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood next which I started and put on hiatus about a month ago. I might not get to it until next week though.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/
Finally getting to read Watchmen, by Alan Moore. I don't ever read graphic novels (until now), so it's a little tricky to get used to reading them. Unfortunately I've run into a spoiler about the story, but I know so little about how the story progresses that I'm enjoying it so far.
I also finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood for the first time. It's very good. The style is a bit jarring and might be the book's biggest drawback, but everything else is solid.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/
I just finished reading Warcross, by Marie Lu. It was better than I thought it was going to be, particularly for a Young Adult novel. This week I am hoping to have time to start The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood which I have heard great things about.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/
I finished Oathbringer, by Brandon Sanderson about two days ago. Mad, crazy, brain-shattering book, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Now I have picked up The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I'm only 50 pages in thus far so I won't comment on it just yet.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/
Just finished The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. I have been meaning to get to this for years and it did not disappoint. One of the few times I have been genuinely shook by an ending.
Continuing on this years apparent theme of strong women going through horrible s---, I'm starting on Milkman, by Anna Burns.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 1 upvotes on /r/books/
Tender is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Just finished, an amazing read. A romance tangled with mental health, obligations, shattered illusions, and what it means to be youthful.
Starting The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood and A Room with a View, by E.M. Forster.