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The Obelisk Gate
N. K. Jemisin
THIS IS THE WAY THE WORLD ENDS... FOR THE LAST TIME.The season of endings grows darker as civilization fades into the long cold night. Alabaster Tenring – madman, world-crusher, sav...

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Comment from [Reddit user] with 10 upvotes on /r/books/


The Color Purple by Alice Walker pretty good, follows a young african american girl in the early 1900s who lives with a abusive father and is told via letters she writes to god, quite dark at times and is said to be among the most often banned books.

Obelisk Gate by N.K Jemisin 2nd of the broken earth series, liked this one as well, shaping up to be a very good trilogy.

and now reading Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman

Comment from [Reddit user] with 7 upvotes on /r/books/


  • The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin


  • The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin
Comment from [Reddit user] with 7 upvotes on /r/books/

Started Bird Box, by Josh Malerman a couple of days ago. Will most likely finish it tonight - fantastic and gripping.

Next will either be The Obelisk Gate, by NK Jemisin, or Gone Tomorrow, by Lee Child

Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/

The Obelisk Gate, by N. K. Jemisin

Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/

The Obelisk Gate, by NK Jemesin - I loved Fifth Season, and this one is living up to it.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/

FM: The Rise and Fall of Rock Radio, by Richard Neer - I finally finished it, freeing up more time to read...

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin - I loved the first book and I'm loving this one as well.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/

Finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy and it is up there as one of my all-time favorites.

I started The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin and have been loving it.

Edit: Finished The Fifth Season and am starting the sequel The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin

I loved the first one! Her style, pacing, structure, etc, really was fantastic and it felt really fresh in many ways. It is rare I jump right to the next book in a series, and I am mostly certainly diving right into book #2!

Comment from [Reddit user] with 5 upvotes on /r/books/

N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth series is fantastic! It is exceedingly rare for me to go through a series one after another but I have been absorbed by these books!

Last week I finished: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin as well as the second book The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin.

Now, I am ~1/4 way through The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin (book three!).

She has done an amazing job with these books and I am impressed with the continuity and consistency between each book. Each flows into the next flawlessly.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 4 upvotes on /r/books/

I finished the audiobooks The Fifth Season, by N. K. Jemisin and Circe, by Madeline Miller. I'm currently listening to The Obelisk Gate, by N. K. Jemisin.

I finished Arkwright, by Allen M. Steele as well as the graphic novels Maus: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History, by Art Spiegelman and Maus II: A Survivor's Tale: And Here My Troubles Began, by Art Spiegelman. I've Started reading A Deepness in the Sky, by Vernor Vinge

Comment from [Reddit user] with 4 upvotes on /r/books/

Onto my fourth week of the summer, and haven't read as much as I would have liked but I read some amazing books and a few stinkers too.


Crooked Kingdom, by Leigh Bardugo - I disliked it. I didn't like the first book much either but thought I would give it another try. I know there are a lot of fans so I will leave it at that to avoid hate DM's.

I am Legend, by Richard Matheson - great, quick read. I enjoyed it. It wasn't mind-blowing but it was solid.

The Crow Road, by Iain Banks - it took me awhile to get into it but once I did it was great. The family dynamics were interesting. The switch to a murder mystery tone halfway through was a little jarring but still interesting.

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin - loved it. Love the world, love the characters, love the writing. Still anxiously waiting for the next book to be available. I also found a deal on her other books on my Kobo and promptly bought them all too.

The Immortalists, by Chloe Benjamin - I really wanted to like this more than I did. The ending actually "saved" it a bit for me. I expected to love it, almost hated it and at the end was tepidly okay with it.

Death is Hard Work, by Khaled Khalifa - I was pleasantly surprised by this little book. I wish that I could read it in the native language because I feel like some things are always missed in translation.

Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins - not a great book but one that I plowed through easily enough. Figured out the antagonist pretty early on which made it less interesting. I like imperfect and unreliable characters though and this was chock full of them. Writing was bland.

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - my favourite read of the summer so far. A beautiful book, beautifully written and I didn't want it to end. I could read about this post-apocalyptic world forever.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

I finished The Obelisk Gate by N. K. Jemisin and just started The Stone Sky also by N. K. Jemisin.

I enjoyed The Obelisk Gate so much. It's such a great story, I haven't been this engrossed in a series in a really long time. Maybe not since the last few Harry Potter books came out.

I haven't read too much of The Stone Sky yet but the beginning seems promising. Hoping I finish it before they announce the Hugo award winners.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

Finished Ball Lightning, by Cixin Liu. It was pretty cool, though not as good as the Three Body Problem books. A bit long and the ending wasn't spectacular.

Now reading The Obelisk Gate, by N. K. Jemisin. It's pretty good so far, about like the first book. Not as much action though. I'm about 2/3 through.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

The Obelisk Gate, by N. K. Jemisin

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

Born to Run, by Christopher Mcdougall

Just finished this book last night and it was both fascinating and inspiring.

Sourdough, by Robin Sloan

Don't remember how I heard about this book but I really enjoyed it. I found the main character very relatable and the story was pretty original.

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin

Second book of the Broken Earth trilogy. I've really enjoyed this series so far, although sometimes I feel like she could "get to the point" a little faster.

The Gunslinger, by Steven King

First book of the Dark Tower series. Only got about a third of the way through this one but it's due back to the library tomorrow and I don't think I will renew it. I've never read anything by Steven King before but I really couldn't get into this book. It sort of dragged on, but maybe I'll give it another chance some day.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

Still loving The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin and still feeling lukewarm about Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin. Nearly done with this and already have the next one ready to roll right into. This series is really enjoyable. I really love her writing.

A Dirty Job, by Christopher Moore. Picked this up on a whim after seeing his name pop up multiple times in the "most fun" post the other day.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/


  • Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, by Gail Honeyman - I liked it until the end. It seemed rushed and just didn't fit the rest of the book in my opinion.

This week:

  • The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin - I'm about two-thirds through. It hasn't kept my attention like The Fifth Season but I still like it.
Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

Didn't get a chance to post last week as I was traveling. Which meant some days of no reading, and then some with a good amount (train rides, plane rides, etc). So since my last post two weeks ago I have finished:

Redshirts, by John Scalzi - Fun and amusing, though I don't think I loved it as much as some. Still a fairly quick and worthwhile read.

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin - book two was just as good as book one, if not better. The world and character building picked up where one left off and this book was absolutely beautiful.

Saga Vol. 1, by Brian K. Vaughn - This kept coming up in my goodreads recommendations so I gave it a shot. I loved it and immediately borrowed book two, and am now waiting for 3.

Down Among The Sticks And Bones, by Seanan McGuire - 2018 Hugo Nominee for novella, this wasn't a direct sequel but more a prequel to the first one. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Fills in the back story of some characters from the first book, but could also act as a standalone.

Saga Vol. 2, by Brian K. Vaughn - keeps the story going, excellent writing and plotting. Can't wait for volume three to be ready to borrow.

Anya's Ghost, by Vera Borgsol - another one that kept popping up in my goodreads recommendations. The story was good and the way it develops and changes through the different sections kept it interesting.

Raven Stratagem, by Yoon Ha Lee - 2018 Hugo novel nominee, book 5/6 for me on that list. Like the first book this is unapologetically tough at times and certainly requires having read the first book. I really enjoyed the development of the world and how even more is fleshed out. I'll certainly be getting book three at some point to see how it all plays out.

Currently reading:

The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin - The final book for me from the 2018 Hugo novel nominees. Just started this but it has been great so far. Things are starting to weave together that have been set up throughout the first two books and the world and characters continue to get more detailed and nuanced.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

Finished The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin. I liked it, but it sure was a lot slower than the first book. Seemed like almost nothing happened in the entire book. I will read the third one in hopes of closure.

Read and finished The Pisces, by Melissa Broder. About a woman who has sex with a fish-man. It was alright - mostly a book about woman addicted to relationships/sex and what they want from that.

Now reading Small Fry, by Lisa Brennan-Jobs. The memoir by Steve Jobs daughter. It's very interesting so far. I am surprised that she remembers so much about her early childhood.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 3 upvotes on /r/books/

I finished:

  • Becoming, by Michelle Obama
  • The Immortalists, by Chloe Benjamin
  • Shameless: A Sexual Reformation, by Nadia Bolz-Weber

I'm now starting The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

I finished the audiobooks The Obelisk Gate, by N. K. Jemisin and Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane, by Suzanne Collins. I'm currently listening to Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi.

I'm working on A Deepness in the Sky, by Vernor Vinge and I've started reading The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien to my son.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

Finished The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin Starting The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin - Didn't waste a moment grabbing the next book.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

This week I finished The Fifth Season and started on The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin. I'm really enjoying it so far. The Fifth Season wrapped up in a way I didn't expect, and so far this one also has me wondering what is going on (in a good way)!

Still plowing through Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry as well. This book is not something I'm excited about reading, but not a book I'm hating reading either. At this point I'm basically sticking with it to complete a task for my reading challenge.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

I finished The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemisin and started The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin. The Fifth Season has been on the list for a long time and got a nudge to start it when I saw it was the Science Friday reading club pick. Was surprised when I knocked it out in three days.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

I just finished The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin. And I just just just started the long way to a small angry planet, by Becky Chambers, my request from the library finally came in.

I loved The Obelisk Gate. The first book was so good, I was worried #2 wouldn't stand up, but it was just as beautiful and lovely and heartbreaking and awesome as the first.

I'm about 80 pages into tlwtasap, so far it is good fun! Interested to see where it goes.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

I finished reading On Micheal Jackson, by Margo Jefferson. I started reading The Obelisk Gate, by NK Jemisin.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 2 upvotes on /r/books/

The Fifth Season, by N K Jemisin

The Obelisk Gate, by N K Jemisin

Comment from [Reddit user] with 1 upvotes on /r/books/

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin Just finished the first one, loved it and now diving straight into the second one!

Comment from [Reddit user] with 1 upvotes on /r/books/

FM: The Rise and Fall of Rock Radio, by Richard Neer - I'm getting close to the end finally. It's a good read, just no really interesting plot lines to keep me into it.

The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin

I loved the first one and had to fire right into the second one, even though I'm trying to finish FM.

Comment from [Reddit user] with 1 upvotes on /r/books/

Finished The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin. Really liked it and just started:

The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin. Just read the first few chapters before work this morning.

A Dirty Job, by Christopher Moore. Still working on this as well. It's a pretty entertaining,, light read. Now that I've finished The Obelisk Gate, I'll probably finish this off before I get too invested in The Stone Sky.